Sarah G. Norman
Sarah Norman is a driven advocate for Hudson who is committed to investing in the city’s high quality of life and quaint Western Reserve living. From her early career in historic preservation law, to her current work at a local land bank helping to place blighted properties into productive use, Sarah Norman has always viewed public service as a central part of her life.
Sarah Norman holds a J.D. from Case Western Reserve Law School, a B.A. in Art History from Goucher College, and earned a Certificate in Historic Preservation from the University of Florida’s Preservation Institute: Nantucket. Her love of architecture and historic preservation not only influenced where she went to school, it also helped draw her to Hudson, with its historic charm, clock tower, and open communal spaces.
After earning her J.D., Sarah Norman continued to pursue her passion for public service, working for public sector legal offices. However, her love of art and architecture led her to launch a private practice focused on smaller clients and historic architecture. This allowed her to work on everything from preserving century homes, defending downtown small-shop economies, and even rescuing the iconic ‘Chief Wahoo at bat’ neon sign, which is now restored and preserved at the Western Reserve Historical Society.
Currently, she works for the Cuyahoga Land Bank, which helps to return blighted properties to functional use. As part of her job, she routinely assures compliance with Ohio public records law and understands the importance of Ohio’s laws that hold local governments accountable to the people they serve. The Cuyahoga Land Bank was recently issued 4 stars (out of 4) by the Ohio Auditor of State for compliance with Sunshine Law best practices.
Sarah Norman is active in many parts of Hudson civic life. She and her husband, Forrest, have raised four children in the Hudson City School system. Sarah has been an active volunteer with the school district, and understands the vital role our school district plays, not just in educating the next generation, but also in maintaining property values and making Hudson a place where people want to live. She has served on the Hudson Cemetery Board for four years, directs the handbell choir at Hudson Presbyterian Church, and is a regular volunteer with the annual Twins Day Festival in Twinsburg, ever since giving birth to twins herself. She currently serves as executive secretary of the festival.
Contact Me
By email: sgnorman@aol.com
By call or text: 216-990-9082 (please identify yourself in your text)
By mail: Friends of Sarah G. Norman, 2212 Edgeview Dr., Hudson, OH 44236
If you are calling, please leave a voicemail message.
Sarah will reply to you as soon as possible.
Please understand that because she works for a publicly-funded non-profit organization, Sarah may not be allowed by law to answer your phone call while she is at work.